Short stories from 100 to 6000 words. We are looking for literary, mainstream, and experimental fiction of all types  Give us something fresh, that moves us, that comes from the heart. We are not looking for something that shows you how clever you are, how large your vocabulary is, or writing that is overly sentimental. The writing must be authentic and pure, absent of false notes. No genre fiction or novel excerpts. We prefer work previously unpublished elsewhere, but will consider work previously published at least a year before your submission to Blue Lake Review. 

Simultaneous submissions are accepted, as long as you promptly notify us of acceptance elsewhere.

If your story is over 3000 words, please limit your submission to one story at a time, until you hear from us regarding that submission. If your stories are under 3000 words, feel free to send as many stories as you have totaling up to 3000 words.

Please include a short third person  bio in the submission manager cover letter, as well as the word count for your piece.

Please avoid the excessive use of italics as overuse diminishes the effect of italicized text; and our submission manager has trouble keeping such text at the appropriate font size!

Please wait at least a month after we decline a fiction submission before submitting fiction to us again, unless we have specifically invited you to submit to us again. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.